Instructions for How to Support Got Ants Campaign


Thanks for reading this, to start with! Got Ants is an outreach campaign for the general public to reduce use of pesticides for ants, put together by a coalition of water and pesticide experts. It’s about protecting the environment, although the message to the public is more about easy ways to reduce ant troubles without poisonous sprays, i.e. safer for home and family, more effective, and finally also good for the environment. We launched the Got Ants website ( and facebook page ( this summer, along with some transit ads and online advertising and the cards and magnets you’ve already seen. The campaign is designed to ripple out person-to-person as much as possible, and that’s where you come in.

  1. Like: Please Like the Got Ants page on facebook ( – you need to sign in to your account to do this), and Like the page (easy to do, just click the Like box, usually at the top right corner of the page). You’ll get posts from Got Ants in your news feed when you do this.gotantslikebox
  2. Invite: Then please invite your friends to like the page! This generates a simple note on Facebook which they can like or ignore. Find the Invite your Friends box, as shown below – usually towards the top right corner of the page and under the Likes button you just clicked. Click “See All” (above the blue Invite button) to get a list of all your friends. Then click the blue Invite button next to each of their names.gotantsinvitefriends
  3. Share: Share Got Ants posts. We’ll be working to bring relevant content such as what to do when the weather changes and ants come in, ways to use products more effectively, etc. To share posts, see the post in your News Feed and simply click Share. This gets the word out to a wider audience.gotantsshare
  4. Pledge: Go to the Got Ants web page ( and take the pledge: “I pledge to use less-toxic practices, or request less-toxic “IPM-certified services” from a pest control company, the next time I have an ant problem.” The page just asks for name, email address for a simple follow up (won’t be sold or spammed) and zip code so we can tell which area you’re in.gotantspledge
  5. Refer: When anyone asks for help with ant problems, refer them to We also have cards to hand out; if you’d like some to distribute please email the project manager Athena Honore.
  6. Bask: Give yourself a pat on the back from your friends at Got Ants! Your help is truly appreciated.